A Chapter of the Soaring Society of America
"Gliders, sail planes, they're wonderful flying machines. It's the closest you can come to being a bird"
-Neil Armstrong
-Neil Armstrong
Sailplanes are not about transportation though they may go great distances. They are not about zooming to great heights though a strong thermal can lift them a thousand feet a minute or more. They are not about speed though they can fly well over 100 miles an hour.
Some come to us to fulfill a dream of flight. Others who already fly come to experience flight of a different kind; to cross the sky using only skill and finesse, borrowing energy from the air itself. Red Wing Soaring Association is a nonprofit club with approximately 20-30 active members who share an interest in soaring, we are a chapter of the Soaring Society of America. You do not need to have any experience to join. We have several flight instructors available to provide flight training. Or if your just looking for a scenic flight, we can do that too. We are located at LO Simenstad Airport in Osceola Wisconsin, 40 miles northeast of St. Paul, Minnesota |